The Unicorn Challenge-08/12/23

© Ayr/Gray

A magical new weekly writing opportunity from me – Jenne Gray – and him – C. E. Ayr.
Visit this blog every Friday, read an amazing story from each of us, and then post your own even better effort in the comments below.
Or on your own blog and stick the link down in the comments.
The rules are:
Maximum of 250 words.
Based on photo prompt above.
That’s it.


  1. In a departure from normal practice, I’m going to publish here in the Comments this week. I have also allowed myself to be tempted by the siren call of some past poesy of mine that seems apt.


    For you and I,
    all things seem possible when we look across blue water
    from the solid shore
    Peering towards the horizon,
    we conspire towards a thousand buoyant courses.
    Imagining a receding shore and a rising tide,
    we do not weigh our stamina against the undertow
    nor the wind strength against our craft;
    we have enough gods
    to warrant speculation.
    But there are those who stand upon the solid shore
    who are already at the end of this world
    (and the next)
    and our imagined journeys
    are their fated drownings.
    For them,
    as they squint anxiously across the water
    imagining a receding shore and a rising tide,
    sailing into the blue
    seems a truly godless journey.
    So they sit watching us,
    like hermit crabs,
    waiting for us to set out,
    assuming we are unlikely to return,
    and picturing life inside our empty shells.

    I’d rather be in an Other Place

    Other people always seem on course,
    Full Ahead to somewhere on the Sea of Life.
    I am forever losing the compass
    and forgetting how to drop anchor,
    permanently adrift in an Other Place.
    Occasionally I see harbour lights beckon
    but I’ve decided
    they’re probably home to the Pirates of Love.
    Out here alone,
    amidst the rocks and icebergs and whirlpools,
    I still need essential supplies
    but I have nothing to trade,
    except for some shells which,
    when placed against the ear,
    whisper cryptic messages
    from an Other Place,
    just in case
    other people
    are in an Other Place

    Liked by 6 people

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