After the End

© Ayr/Gray

The Unicorn Challenge.

A magical new weekly writing opportunity from him – C. E. Ayr – and me.
The rules are
Maximum of 250 words.
Based on photo prompt.
That’s it.

Click here to read other stories from the prompt: 03/05/24

After the End

Once upon a time there lived a little girl who had roller skates and a dog.
She loved them both.
She went on imaginary adventures on her skates, always with her dog.
Everything has an end though.
She learned this, because one day her dog died.
She wanted to know what lay beyond death.
In her sadness, she imagined skating to where the world stops.
But she always met a fence in these daydreams, and beyond it a desert.
All she had to do was climb over the fence and explore.
But she couldn’t make herself do it.
It wasn’t that she was frightened.
She just could – not – cross – that – fence…

When she was older, they told her God had no beginning and no end.
Surely then, He had to know the answer to her search?
She became a nun, learned to obey without question.
They said this would lead her to God.
It didn’t.
She left.

She tried psychology, searched right down inside herself.
Wandered among the ghosts from the past that haunted her dreams.
But there she met the fence again, warning her not to go any deeper.

Then one day, while out walking, she came across a deserted barge.
She climbed aboard, settled on its flat roof to watch the reflections of the sun on the water.
A dog came by, lay down at her feet and together they watched the swans at play.
They were at peace.

And they lived happily ever after…


  1. Dogs and dreams and deserts, ghosts and gods, fences and fears, sun and swans…

    A fabulous trip through your imagination, Jenne, with a most un-Jenne-like happy ending.

    Love it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You made me smile, Nancy!
      It’s hard to know when writers of fiction are telling reality, isn’t it?
      I’ll let you into a secret though – as a child I did play at skating ‘to the end of the world’ and arrived at this fence.
      The desert beyond was like a scene from the black and white cowboy films I used to see on television, and I could never get my imagination to take me over that fence – weird.
      Glad to have had a happy ending for once! 😉

      PS I’m sorry I didn’t reply to all you told me about the song last week. It’s been a pretty full-on time here. But I’ve been listening to it and can totally understand the impact it had on you. Thanks for sharing all that.

      Liked by 1 person

      • No worries, Jenne. We all have full plates and have become quite good at juggling. I apologize if I made it sound like homework! LOL!

        You’re right about not knowing what is fact and what isn’t when dealing with fiction writers. Inevitably a bit of ourselves gets spilled over onto the paper.


  2. She’s come full circle, on a barge instead of skates, but back again in a life of simplicity and acceptance. And a dog. You’ve shown her search for understanding so well, with that fence always there, blocking her. Intriguing, that fence.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for that lovely comment, Margaret.
      The bit about ‘skating to the end of the world’ was actually a game I did play as a child.
      I imagined the places I’d pass through and then I’d arrive at this fence, and the end of the world, the desert, was on the other side.
      I just could never get my imagination to take me over the fence!
      A bit like putting a finger too near a fire and getting burned.
      I’d forgotten all about it till I started working on this story.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. (of course, you had me at ’…and a dog’)

    Thing I enjoy about your writing (and that of certain others) is not so much: ‘I wish I could convey such-and-so so well’, nor ‘Where on earth (or, at least, in Land of Writing) did she learn the alchemy of few words and short phrases to become volumes, its more akin to causing the thought “I know that place… not exactly that place… but I’ve traveled that country.”


    Liked by 2 people

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