The Unicorn Challenge-26/04/24

© Ayr/Gray

A magical new weekly writing opportunity from me – Jenne Gray – and him – C. E. Ayr.
Visit this blog every Friday, read an amazing story from each of us, and then post your own even better effort in the comments below.
Or on your own blog and stick the link down in the comments.
The rules are:
Maximum of 250 words.
Inspired by photo prompt above.
That’s it.



    Thank you but the only way I would go swimming in a Scottish loch would be with an extra-thick wetsuit and a St. Bernard waiting with a barrel of brandy round its neck. Or maybe a Pyrenean mountain dog. Beautiful animals. But I digress…

    On beaches in Straya where I now live, we are urged to swim between the flags erected by a team of volunteer lifeguards who look nothing like Pamela Anderson. For a start, they’re dressed in red and yellow rashies, board shorts and headgear tied on with four tapes. Seen from afar bobbing in the surf, you could be forgiven for comparing them to Gala apples at Halloween. But I digress…

    Aussies have taken the “Swim between the flags” thing to mean that they have to erect their beach tents there too, with the result that one section of the vast golden sand resembles a new suburb where the distance between the houses is just enough to park your bins.

    Meanwhile the remaining acres of beach are dotted with those determined to further their future careers as melanoma patients, dressed in three small triangles of fabric and a couple of strings. Well, the women anyway.

    If, like me, you were around in the 1950s (gasp!), you’ll remember when girls had cotton costumes stitched in a puffy square pattern. And thick rubber swimming caps. Never could work out if they were designed to keep the water out or the nits in.

    But I digress…

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  2. […] The Unicorn Challenge: Write a poem, a song or story inspired by the photo prompt in 250 words or less. The picture reminds me of my backyard. Nothing dangerous there. Just Texas bluebonnet flowers and a few puddles after a good rain. And of course deer and unicorns who love nibbling on the currants I grow in my garden. […]

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