The Unicorn Challenge-27/10/23

© Ayr/Gray

A magical new weekly writing opportunity from me – Jenne Gray – and him – C. E. Ayr.
Visit this blog every Friday, read an amazing story from each of us, and then post your own even better effort in the comments below.
Or on your own blog and stick the link down in the comments.
The rules are:
Maximum of 250 words.
Based on photo prompt above.
That’s it.



    Ted and his rottweiler, Max, walked across the cove most days. Ted said the beach was his psychiatrist’s couch.

    On days when his novel wasn’t progressing to his liking, his editor was hounding him for a finish date and his electricity bill dropped on the mat, he would stomp across the sand, scowling, deep in thought. Max would trot respectfully along beside him, turning his head from time to time to see if the mood had lifted.

    On days like today, though, Ted would amble along, usually at the high-water mark to see if anything interesting had washed in, while Max would stand like a majestic canine Canute, daring the waves to move any closer. When they did trickle in, he would bark delightedly, scamper a few paw-lengths like a puppy then resume his stance.

    Today, Ted was ambling happily when he noticed Max sitting for all the world like a well-trained detection dog, one of his big front paws set gently but firmly on a box. Ted shuffled over. “Found something for our beachcombing collection, boy?” he asked. Max nodded. Ted picked up the box, still well sealed despite its trip through the waves. “Fragile, eh? Time to go home and investigate. Look for the address maybe.”

    Man and dog turned homeward. One of them was thinking that God may or may not be in His heaven but all was definitely right in Ted and Max’s world. The other was thinking of dog biscuits.

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    • Thanks, Jenne. Fell in love with a rottweiler when I used to volunteer to walk rescue dogs at the local RSPCA shelter. A much-maligned breed. They’re actually very gentle.

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