Not Just Dust

© Ayr/Gray

The Unicorn Challenge.

A magical new weekly writing opportunity from him – C. E. Ayr – and me.
The rules are

Maximum of 250 words.
Inspired by photo prompt.
That’s it.

Click here to read other stories from the prompt: 28/06/24

Not Just Dust

‘Life imitates art far more than art imitates life,’ said Oscar Wilde.
And he knew a thing or two, did Oscar.
Take that photo of two lines of dust being threatened by a blue broom.
Or is it the dust that’s threatening the broom?
I’m sure a grant could be obtained by some student eager to prolong his/her/their academic life.
A learned thesis could be written and it, in turn, could become a receptacle for yet more dust on the shelves of some dark, fusty university library.

But let’s get back to Mr Wilde and Aristotelian mimesis.
Ha, I’ll bet you weren’t expecting that.
To be honest, neither was I, but there you are.
It’s amazing what you discover when you have no ideas for a story.
In fact, the great man’s position – that’s Oscar’s, not Aristotle’s – was one of anti-mimesis.
Aristotle was more for art imitating life.

You might wonder where I’m going with this – and that makes two of us.
But moving on, let’s look at the artwork itself; the dust and the broom.
And here I have to come down heavily in favour of the great Mr Wilde.
You see, I’m flitting* this weekend, and piles of dust and brooms loom large in my life.
Oscar Wilde holds ‘that the self-conscious aim of Life is to find expression, and that Art offers it certain beautiful forms through which it may realise (this).’
As a result, I look anew at my little piles of dust – and marvel.

* a Scots word meaning ‘moving house’


  1. want to hear something weird?*

    My mind, while reading your story, (I am a total fan of Mr. Wilde), triggered memories of Saturdays in used book stores. Including, the very (something) that was turning sideways when another might happen down the same aisle. The smell of books and purple incense doesn’t hurt the enjoyment of your story, either.

    So, thanks for the semi-time travel.

    Surely the reward for working hard enough at this ‘writing thing’ is being comfortable sharing the experience of the process as much as (the product) of our imaginations.

    *yeah, was that ceayr in the background? something about ‘knock me over with a feather’ (which I hope is not too idiomatic to spoil the joke… )


  2. Flitting, as I’m sure you know, means darting, hopping about, skipping, cavorting here in The States. You know …. like faeries. Or barflies.

    I’ve marveled at stars and Mozart, my grand kids, at how my husband has perfected the art of selective listening when I’m talking. Marvel at dust? Only at how fast it accumulates!


  3. I love, as you well know, stories that aren’t actually stories, just a wander through whatever is (nearly) in the mind at a point in time.
    But, lacking your education, I’ve never been confident enough to include ‘Aristotelian mimesis’ in any of my rambles.
    Or maybe that should be ‘ lacking your confidence, I’ve never been educated enough…’!

    Either way, a tour de force, Jenne, and a chapeau for when the orage has passed.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lol

      Hey Mimi, having most of my education represented by my diploma conveyed by the “Universitatus Commititantum E Pluribus Unuum* I can say, “I went there too!”

      *lifted the line from the Wizard of Oz**
      ** the vid clip in my TToT post this week***

      *** not sure if, as ‘cultural’ references go, the story/movie, the Wizard of Oz made the leap over the ocean


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