
© Ayr/Gray

The Unicorn Challenge.

A magical new weekly writing opportunity from him – C. E. Ayr – and me.
The rules are
Maximum of 250 words.
Inspired by photo prompt.
That’s it.

Click here to read other stories from the prompt: 14/06/24


Look at Tom and David, traipsing along the woodland path, hands in their pockets, scuffing their feet.
Hey, that stone almost hit my ankle – watch what you’re doing, lads!
I’ll take a wild guess and say they’re not going to the football match.
Oh no, not them.
Not today.
They have mothers who say Sundays are for Sunday school.
Enthusiasm is sorely lacking.

‘D’you think God likes football?’
It’s Tom’s question.
David grins.
‘Of course he does. If God made everything, he made football. He must like it.’
‘But he’s not allowed to be at a football match on a Sunday?’
‘Och, he can go if he likes. Nobody tells him what to do.’
‘Well that’s not fair. Why can we not go then?’
You can see David thinking.
He can’t help being there. He’s everywhere. He can be in two places at the one time.’
‘How can he do that?’
‘He just can.’
They walk on in silence.
Tom’s not satisfied.
‘What if God’s a woman? Would he – she – still like football?’
You see them look at each other, shake their heads.
Some questions are just too big.

Suddenly – because they always appear when you need them – a huge, happy dog materialises.
Delighted, the boys grin and chase after it.
It leads them straight to the match – but you’ll have guessed that already.
Laughing, they creep through the gap in the fence that is their own private turnstile.
They’ll worry about their mothers later.

In cane speramus!


    • I like ‘lots of fun’ – not a comment I get very often, so thank you. 😉

      Ah yes – ‘Forest Bathing’?
      Confusion arises when a second story is written because the first one is just too heavy, but the writer forgets to change the title so that the title on the post’s url bears no relation to the actual story – sigh.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. There’s a real sparkle in this story – I love it. The voice of the narrator – who is it? I’m almost tempted to wonder if it might be the voice of a great big divine presence leading them along towards joy. Am I reading too much into it here? Maybe, but if so, I’m sticking with it because that’s what it made me think of.

    And the lovely big dog bounding in to provide the final bit of motivation for their decision is the perfect touch. Yes. they’re always there ‘when you need them’. So true.

    And that Latin coda!! Ha!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Margaret, I think the narrator ‘might indeed be the voice of a great big divine presence leading them along towards joy.’
      Only I didn’t realise that till later! 😏

      I’d written a different story for the prompt, but it was a bit heavy and angst-ridden, so I’m glad I put it aside and went with this one – I really like ‘sparkle’ thank you.

      And yes, the Latin coda – I had mischief in my mind by then!

      Liked by 1 person

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