The Unicorn Challenge – 05/08/23

© Doug Jacquier

A magical new weekly writing opportunity from me – Jenne Gray – and him – C. E. Ayr.
Visit this blog every Friday, read an amazing story from each of us, and then post your own even better effort in the comments below.
Or on your own blog and stick the link down in the comments.
The rules are:
Maximum of 250 words.
Based on photo prompt above.
That’s it.



    Dear Anybody who cares,

    I took the experts’ advice about exercise. “Get some fresh air,” they say. “It clears the mind.” So I stumbled along city streets amid exhaust fumes, looking in vain for the seascape or countryside that would provide balm to my troubled soul. Instead, this was what I found.

    Much more appropriate to my life. Love? Well, that fell apart a couple of weeks ago when she said she couldn’t put up with my moods, my slovenliness (only a librarian could use words like that!), my self-pitying ego. Tough! That’s who I am just now. So it couldn’t have been real love, could it? To be honest, I don’t really miss her. She was just another layer of stress. Another effort to be made – but not enough effort in her eyes, apparently.

    As to the rest of my life, it’s like those skips. Overflowing with detritus.

    My job? Restructuring. Retrenchment. Nothing personal. Very competent. Receive a great recommendation. Severance pay for three months “to tide you over”.

    My friends? Easy. I have none. They dumped me months ago. I wasn’t “fun” any more. Online gamers no longer respond to my invitations. Chatrooms have banned me because of my “extremist” views. So much for free speech.

    Everything has become a huge effort, an often insurmountable mountain to climb, and I just can’t be bothered any more.

    The police will find this letter when they find me, propped up where I belong, next to the rest of the garbage, ready for disposal.


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